Subject: Re: NetBSD pkg system growth in 2003
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Mike M. Volokhov <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/05/2004 13:12:07
On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 16:41:57 +0100
Ignatios Souvatzis <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I needed a graph of the number of packages vs. time for a paper, so
> I extracted the data from Alistair's summaries and fed them to gnuplot.

I'm not an expert of gnuplot, thus let me ask you how you build that
graph? I got a number of packages for all period of NetBSD pkgsrc life.

That's it:

27 620 860 909 913 918 939 987 998 1010 1036 1072 1081 1115 1144 1170
1195 1212 1256 1298 1338 1388 1431 1477 1534 1584 1629 1697 1746 1265
1304 1324 1371 1413 1467 1509 1511 1626 1693 1755 1814 1887 2005 2098
2171 2265 2333 2386 2453 2525 2568 2603 2661 2700 2773 2855 2944 3010
3086 3158 3268 3342 3401 3481 3539 3618 3720 3794 3857 3912 3994 4053
4162 4173 4225 4329 4398 4505

It was built from pkgsrc CVS repository (Makefiles only, including
Attics), using something very similar to

	cvs update -D 'X month ago'
	grep 'SUBDIR.*=' */Makefile | wc -l

commands, where X started from 0 and then increased by 1 each time. That
have covered 78 month total. The build was done just today, CVS
repository has been downloaded at March, 3.

Best wishes,