Subject: Re: read-only nfs mounted pkgsrc problems
To: Axel Scheepers <>
From: Douglas Wade Needham <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/23/2004 09:34:56
The problem is that builds in pkgsrc put countless files into the
pkgsrc tree when the package source is unpacked, the source is built,
build status files are touched, etc. A quick review of the mk.conf and files points to WRKOBJDIR which should work for
you, but I do not happen to use it. However, you also need to keep in
mind that you will want to change things like DISTDIR and PACKAGES
since the retrieved source archives and created packages are placed
into those directory structures as well, which are by default under
your pkgsrc.
You also mentioned not wanting to do union mounts. I am a little
curious why this is the case, since I have been using union mounts for
all my builds for a couple of years now with no problems. Indeed, my
builds in pkgsrc are done with union mounts in a chroot'ed sandbox
[pointers to info about that are in another message I recently sent].
I happen to have my source tree NFS mounted from another host and then
a union mount placing it under my sandbox right now to build the
packages I use for -current. Here is an df from that system (sorry
for the width):
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/wd0a 63549 38646 21725 64% /
/dev/wd0g 1016607 203531 762245 21% /var
/dev/wd0i 14453482 9039673 4691134 65% /u0
/dev/wd0h 2032447 1704404 226420 88% /usr
/dev/wd0e 63455 1 60281 0% /stand
/dev/wd0m 20972825 16272117 4700708 77% /msdos
mfs:371 127023 4 120667 0% /tmp
kernfs 1 1 0 100% /kern
procfs 4 4 0 100% /proc
fargone:/u0/source 37884761 19897844 16092678 55% /u0/source
fargone:/u0/distfiles 37884761 19897844 16092678 55% /u0/distfiles
pell:/var/mail 2032447 292030 1638794 15% /var/mail
pell:/u1 36868346 26206770 8818158 74% /amd/pell/u1
<below>:/u0/source/usr/src.current 13379806 7965997 4691134 62% /u0/dist_current.pkgs/usr/src
<below>:/u0/source/usr/xsrc.current 13379806 7965997 4691134 62% /u0/dist_current.pkgs/usr/xsrc
<below>:/u0/source/usr/pkgsrc 13379806 7965997 4691134 62% /u0/dist_current.pkgs/usr/pkgsrc
<below>:/u0/distfiles 13379806 7965997 4691134 62% /u0/dist_current.pkgs/source/distfiles
kernfs 1 1 0 100% /u0/dist_current.pkgs/kern
procfs 4 4 0 100% /u0/dist_current.pkgs/proc
Nary a problem from this which I can attribute to union mounts. I did
see a few panics on 1.6ZH, but I got the same without union mounts as
I did other tasks of very heavy compute+IO, so I have to rule the
union mounts out. I had held off on upgrading the kernel due to
extreme slowness, but I just updated to ZK and I do not see that now.
- Doug
Quoting Axel Scheepers (
> Hello All,
> I have a problem with a read-only mouted pkgsrc:
> janis:~ root$ mount
> ...
> sirius:/usr/src on /usr/src type nfs (read-only)
> sirius:/usr/pkgsrc on /usr/pkgsrc type nfs (read-only)
> janis:~ root$ cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest/
> janis:/usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest root$ make install PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL=2 2>&1
> | tee /tmp/build.log
> ...
> + cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest
> + make DIGEST=/usr/local/bin/digest HOST_OSTYPE=NetBSD-1.6.2-i386
> LOWER_OPSYS=netbsd /tmp/pkgsrc/work/pkgtools/digest/work/.PLIST
> make: don't know how to make /tmp/pkgsrc/work/pkgtools/digest/work/.PLIST.
> Stop
> make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest
> *** Error code 2
> janis:~ root$ cat /etc/mk.conf
> # package stuff. Install in /usr/local by default and
> # keep obj's local (when we nfs mount pkgsrc)
> LOCALBASE="/usr/local"
> WRKOBJDIR="/tmp/pkgsrc/work"
> DISTDIR="/tmp/pkgsrc/distfiles"
> So far, all building is done ok, but it keeps failing with above error after
> installing the binaries.
> If possible I don't want to use a union mount.
> Anyone an idea about what I'm doing wrong here?
> (please cc: me, I'm not on the list (yet))
> Thanks a million,
> Axel
Douglas Wade Needham - KA8ZRT UN*X Consultant & UW/BSD kernel programmer
Email: cinnion @ ka8zrt . com
Disclaimer: My opinions are my own. Since I don't want them, why
should my employer, or anybody else for that matter!