Subject: POSTFIX_USE_INET6 and -current
To: None <>
From: Martti Kuparinen <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/21/2004 10:33:05

The latest postfix with POSTFIX_USE_INET6=YES works as expected on 1.6.x
but gives strange errors on 1.6ZG. Anyone else having same problems?


Jan 21 10:23:25 p3 postfix/qmgr[24232]: 16B6D108BE8: from=<>, 
size=326, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 21 10:23:25 p3 postfix/smtp[29262]: fatal: smtp_virtual_bind: 
getaddrinfo("2001:xxxx::xxxx::3"): hostname nor servname provided, or not known
Jan 21 10:23:25 p3 postfix/smtp[3237]: fatal: smtp_virtual_bind: 
getaddrinfo("2001:xxxx::xxxx::3"): hostname nor servname provided, or not known
Jan 21 10:23:25 p3 postfix/smtp[7737]: fatal: smtp_virtual_bind: 
getaddrinfo("2001:xxxx::xxxx::3"): hostname nor servname provided, or not known
Jan 21 10:23:25 p3 postfix/smtp[29663]: fatal: smtp_virtual_bind: 
getaddrinfo("2001:xxxx::xxxx::3"): hostname nor servname provided, or not known
Jan 21 10:23:25 p3 postfix/smtp[9582]: fatal: smtp_virtual_bind: 
getaddrinfo("2001:xxxx::xxxx::3"): hostname nor servname provided, or not known
Jan 21 10:23:26 p3 postfix/qmgr[24232]: warning: premature end-of-input on 
private/relay socket while reading input attribute name
Jan 21 10:23:26 p3 postfix/master[22494]: warning: process 
/usr/pkg/libexec/postfix/smtp pid 29262 exit status 1
Jan 21 10:23:26 p3 postfix/master[22494]: warning: 
/usr/pkg/libexec/postfix/smtp: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 21 10:23:26 p3 postfix/qmgr[24232]: warning: private/relay socket: 
malformed response
Jan 21 10:23:26 p3 postfix/qmgr[24232]: warning: transport relay failure -- 
see a previous warning/fatal/panic logfile record for the problem description