Subject: Re: buildlink and version numbers
To: None <>
From: Martin J. Laubach <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/17/2004 14:07:49
| > version numbers. i mean it's a good idea to keep the installed software 
| > up-to-date, but its a pain to just update a library for a package that doesn't 
| > require the latest version of the lib. this makes pkgsrc a lot harder to use
| > (and thus less useable).

  I have an ugly hack in my pkgsrc tree for just the "use whatever
version is already there, dammit" situation. Of course, no one should
use that for real package production, but it's quite handy every now
and then...

  Just set BUILDLINK_LAXDEPENDS=YES and it should be satisfied with
whatever version it finds.


Index: buildlink2/
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink2/,v
retrieving revision 1.101
diff -a -b -u -u -r1.101
--- buildlink2/	3 Dec 2003 18:38:04 -0000	1.101
+++ buildlink2/	29 Dec 2003 18:09:42 -0000
@@ -145,8 +145,13 @@
 .  if defined(BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.${_pkg_}) && \
 .    for _depends_ in ${BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.${_pkg_}}
+.    if defined(BUILDLINK_LAXDEPENDS)
+${_BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.${_pkg_}}+= \
+	${_depends_:C/[-<>]=?[0-9].*$/-*/}:${BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.${_pkg_}}
+.    else
 ${_BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.${_pkg_}}+= \
+.    endif
 .    endfor
 .  endif