Subject: Re: broken pckages
To: mouss <>
From: Brian A. Seklecki <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/10/2004 13:32:22
> [evolution]
> After installing evolution from pkgsrc, I got problems using it.
> Starting evolution says: "cannot initialize the ximian evolution shell: 
> configuration database not found". Starting evolution-mail says: "error 

Regarding the "cannot start the Evolution shell..." -- Evolution uses
bononbo-activation and oafd.  It's all kinds of bad.  The evolution
install adds new paths to the configs.  I'm working on this now, but,
for the most part:

alias killGnome="bonobo-slay; oaf-slay; pkill -9 oafd; pkill -9 gconf;
pkill -9 bonobo; pkill -9 wombat; pkill -9 esd"

Run it and then restart evolution.


> thanks in advance,
> mouss