Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/wm/openbox3
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/13/2003 14:22:59
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Soren Jacobsen <> wrote:
> On 12/13 14:16, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> As I just told Juan, I think that it should be
> wm/openbox, and we can move openbox 2, which is currently there, to
> wm/openbox2 if it's desirable to keep it around.
I'm ambivalent about this. Renaming packages can be confusing, but if
openbox (ie 2) is no longer maintained or developed and openbox3 has
become openbox, then maybe that's the right thing to do. Other
> > Well, unless this is a different WM than wm/openbox, then I'd like to
> > mention -- just for completeness' sake -- that openbox was based on
> > Blackbox first.
> Complete rewrite. Zero blackbox code now.
Ah, thanks. Interesting.
chown -R us:enemy your_base
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