Subject: Re: mysql 4
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/11/2003 14:33:15
I just commited the patches in the last @24 hours to take mysql to 4.0.16
in pkgsrc-wip.  There is now an extra issue with -current in that it does
not build which was not present in the previous versions.  The issue with
it not shutting down correctly on current I last tested on 1.6U.

It quite happily builds and runs for me under 1.6.x and has for quite a

It would be really good to see this in pkgsrc.


> grant beattie wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 06:52:20PM +0200, Martti Kuparinen wrote:
>> > MySQL 4.x is available in pkgsrc-wip but I think it still has
>> problems shutting down correctly on -current. Until that is fixed I
>> don't expect these packages to appear in pkgsrc.
>> if that is the only problem, we should import it and note that in
>> MESSAGE.NetBSD. there is no reason to neglect other (read: much more
>> tested than NetBSD) platforms because of a bug affecting only one...
> Right, I completely agree with this. No reason to hold just
> for the shutdown problem - as far as it will get adressed eventually.
> Jaromir
> --
> Jaromir Dolecek <>  
> -=- We should be mindful of the potential goal, but as the Buddhist -=-
> -=- masters say, ``You may notice during meditation that you        -=-
> -=- sometimes levitate or glow.   Do not let this distract you.''   -=-