Subject: Mozilla build fails on Alpha
To: None <>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/04/2003 12:53:49
A few days ago I complained that Mozilla Firebird build fails
on alpha (-current, 1.6ZF, gcc 3.3.2, binutils 2.13.whatever).
The exact same problem is with Mozilla itself: xpcshell
doesn't link because has undefined references
to nsXPTCStubBase (from libxpt{cmd,call}, which isn't
getting linked to xpcshell, but I guess should be linked to
libxpcom?). Adding -lxptcmd -lxptcall to xpcshell
link command doesn't help.
The Firebird build log is still available in the same
-- Arto