Subject: cc, gcc, cpp, g++, c++ symlinks
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/15/2003 16:23:04
It would be useful if there was some pkgsrc option to create symlinks for
cc, gcc, cpp, g++, c++, et cetera.

# Create links for compiler tools in ${PREFIX}/bin for the packages
# listed when installed.
# Possible: gcc gcc3 gcc3-c gcc3-c++ tendra and other compilers
# Default: not defined

Then each package have something like:

.if defined(CC_SYMLINK) && !empty(CC_SYMLINK:Mgcc3-c++)
INSTALL_FILE=           ${PKGDIR}/INSTALL.symlinks

And an INSTALL script, like:


	 ${LN} -sf ${GCC_PREFIX}/bin/c++ ${PREFIX}/bin/c++
	 ${LN} -sf ${GCC_PREFIX}/bin/g++ ${PREFIX}/bin/g++

(making sure that GCC_PREFIX is defined too.)

What do you all think?

This would be useful for me to make sure I automatically have symlinks for
the compiler tools in my PATH (rather than adding /usr/.../gcc3/bin to my
execution path).

   Jeremy C. Reed