Subject: Re: default to teTeX2
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/24/2003 21:33:59
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Marc Recht <> wrote:
> >From looking at teTeX HOMEPAGE, I don't see reference to old (pre-2)
> >versions. The download site linked from the official webpage doesn't have
> >old (pre-2) versions.
> Is there any pkg that _doesn't_ work with teTeX2 ? If not then we could=
> IMHO abandon teTeX1 to make our lives a bit simpler...

Abandoning teTeX1 is not a good idea.  teTeX2 is not completely
backwards compatible, and anything written for teTeX1 may or may not
``compile'' under teTeX2.

Instead, I'd suggest making teTeX2 the default teTeX, move the current
teTeX to teTeX1 (or some other name indicating it's older) and install
it into a different location, say ${PREFIX}/teTeX1.  The two versions
can happily co-exist and it's just a matter of adjusting your PATH to
use either version.


Of course it runs NetBSD!

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