Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/bmake
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/17/2003 21:37:42
>> 	pkgsrc/devel/bmake: Makefile
>> Log Message:
>> mark this ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM NetBSD for now, as it destroys the
>> mk files installed from bootstrap-pkgsrc. thanks, salo.

Does bootstrap-pkgsrc register itself as installed?
Is it possible for devel/bmake to accept either that or 
devel/mk-files as a pre-requisite?

I've not looked at the bootstrap-pkgsrc mk files recently, but perhaps
they could/should be merged into mk-files - I can't say.
I really only use mk-files etc on SunOS, Linux lately and not for building

BTW bmake-20030912 is available (I've not updated devel/bmake yet though)
which lets you do bmake -de etc (not popular with pkgsrc I believe ;-)
I wanted to get a snapshot out before I look at merging Alan's :[] patches.
