Subject: Re: bootstrap-pkgsrc tools updated
To: Rob Quinn <>
From: grant beattie <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/16/2003 04:02:11
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 01:41:11PM -0400, Rob Quinn wrote:

>  Hmmm.  Why I have never looked there?  Yes, the root:root machine has lots of
> references in share/mk/ and  The bin:bin machine has the same
> variables set to bin in, and nothing in
>    %grep -l root /usr/pkg/share/mk/*
>    /usr/pkg/share/mk/
>    /usr/pkg/share/mk/
>    %grep BINGRP /usr/pkg/share/mk/
>    BINGRP?=        root
>    %grep BINGRP /usr/pkg/share/mk/
>    BINGRP?=        root
>    LIBGRP?=        ${BINGRP}
>    %grep -l root /usr/pkg/share/mk/*
>    %grep BINGRP /usr/pkg/share/mk/
>    %grep BINGRP /usr/pkg/share/mk/
>    BINGRP?=        bin
>    LIBGRP?=        ${BINGRP}

I guess some changes were made between installing your first box and
second box.. or perhaps the bmake issue you speak of below :-)

> > we should make the appropriate pkgs register themselves as being installed -
>  I re-installed bmake on the bin:bin machine a lot, trying to do something
> similar.  Several times I broke pkgsrc and had to build bmake stand-alone in
> /usr/local/.  Perhaps I integrated some bad settings?

how did you build bmake standalone? from bootstrap-pkgsrc?

we have some local modifications there specifically for pkgsrc...
