Subject: Re: Where did ap2-php4 go? Was: ap2-php4 creates a buggy
To: Ewald B?rger <>
From: Johnny C. Lam <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/14/2003 23:59:23
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 01:16:29AM +0200, Ewald B?rger wrote:
> * make install on www/php4 (so without mysql and pcre afaik)
> ok
> * make install on www/ap2-php4
> ERM.... can't find it? There are a lot of ap- and three ap2- packages, but
> no ap2-php4!
> Where did it go?
> Or: how do I tell Apache2 how to use PHP now?
> As I said: last time I tried I couldn't get the apxs way to work.
Apache module handling is being unified in pkgsrc. You want to build
in www/ap-php4.
-- Johnny Lam <>