Subject: Re: Anybody home?
To: Noriyuki Soda <>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/13/2003 09:50:37
> >>>>> On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 14:42:16 -0400,
> "Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D." <> said:
>> I see that the above message made it onto the list & maybe this one
>> will, but another message sent in between definitely has NOT!
>Probably your message was caught by our spam filter. [1]
>If this conjecture is right, your message was forwarded to
>the mailing list owner of tech-pkg, and now it's waiting for
>the owner's approval of the delivery.
>Please wait for a while until the approval is made.
>Sorry for inconvenience.
>[1] For example, any message which includes HTML attachment will be
>caught by the filter.
I suspected that this might be the case, especially since I
subscribed in the middle of the Great Worm Problem, but:
1) The first copy of the message in question was sent around 13 Aug,
so it has been waiting approval for a month!
2) Nearly all of the text was excerpted from messages that made it
past the spam filter for netbsd-help!
3) In case the worms screwed up my subscribing, I unsubscribed, then
resubscribed. Didn't help.
I will resend it right now, including you in the cc: Perhaps you
may see something suspicious.
Dan Killoran