Subject: Re: XFree86 meta package imported in pkgsrc-wip
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/21/2003 16:25:33
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

: > The problem comes on x11-links, it needs X11BASE previously
: > installed, we can modify or and
: > disable the check of x11-links if we are installing the XFree86
: > packages, but I'm not a master with buildlink, perhaps another
: > person more experienced can look at it ?.
: By the way, my first problem (as documented in the wip/XFree86/README)
: was:
: .  if defined(USE_X11) && !exists(${X11BASE})
: PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "${PKGNAME} uses X11, but ${X11BASE} not found"
: .  endif

Suggestion:  Create a package that forms the core dependency of X11BASE by
creating just that directory.  Then make XFree86-* (whatever packages can
stand alone) depend on it.  Something like (below is untested):

# $NetBSD$

DISTNAME=		XFree86-x11base-1.0
MASTER_SITES=		# empty
DISTFILES=		# empty

MAINTAINER=		# (you)
COMMENT=		X11 base directory package

NO_BUILD=		# defined
NO_CHECKSUM=		# defined
NO_CONFIGURE=		# defined
NO_EXTRACT=		# defined

.include "../../mk/"

PREFIX:=		/ # there's no other usable value here

	${MKDIR} ${X11BASE}

@comment $NetBSD$
@exec ${MKDIR} ${X11BASE}
@unexec ${RMDIR} ${X11BASE} || ${TRUE}

-- Todd Vierling <>