Subject: re: Report on broken packages, gcc3 on sparc64
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/18/2003 11:10:56
On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Martin Husemann wrote:
: > export CPP='/usr/pkg/gcc-3.3/bin/cpp -gcc'
: Uhm, that's what I would call a hack. How will things be once gcc3.3.x is
: integrated into the main source tree? Will you still have to set CPP to
: "/usr/bin/cpp -gcc"? Will bsd.*.mk take care of it?
This is weird, too, because there's a crapload of stuff defined by
gcc-3.3/bin/cpp other than __GNUC__ -- just try:
/usr/pkg/gcc-3.3/bin/cpp -dM </dev/null | more
Note that, among them, __GXX_ABI_VERSION is defined. "What's that doing
there" if __GNUC__ isn't...?
When brought in-tree, the -gcc behavior should probably be default.
i haven't really paid attention here -- but this sounds right to me.