Subject: Cyrus 2.1.{12,13} Problems on Sparc64 Port
To: None <>
From: Bill Dorsey <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/10/2003 15:39:00
Is anyone here running Cyrus imap on the Sparc64?

I have it up and running on an Ultra, but it's barely limping along.

There are two problems:

First, I have to restart it every couple of hours because connections 
to the server hang.  Second, whenever ctl_cyrusdb runs in order to 
checkpoint the database, it dies with an error.  Here's a portion of my 
imap logfile that illustrates both problems:

Jun 10 14:34:40 lila imapd[13807]: accepted connection
Jun 10 14:34:41 lila imapd[13807]: mystore: starting txn 2147484086
Jun 10 14:34:41 lila imapd[13807]: mystore: committing txn 2147484086
Jun 10 14:34:41 lila imapd[13807]: starttls: SSLv3 with cipher 
/168 bits new) no authentication

At this point, my mail client is attempting to establish an imaps 
connection but is failing (it works fine on other imaps systems)

Jun 10 14:35:23 lila master[13824]: about to exec 
Jun 10 14:35:24 lila imaps[13824]: executed
Jun 10 14:35:24 lila imapd[13824]: accepted connection
Jun 10 14:35:25 lila imapd[13824]: mystore: starting txn 2147484091
Jun 10 14:35:25 lila imapd[13824]: mystore: committing txn 2147484091
Jun 10 14:35:25 lila imapd[13824]: starttls: SSLv3 with cipher 
/168 bits new) no authentication

The mail client is trying to connect again...

Jun 10 14:35:27 lila master[13825]: about to exec 
Jun 10 14:35:27 lila imaps[13825]: executed
Jun 10 14:35:27 lila imapd[13825]: accepted connection
Jun 10 14:36:12 lila master[19303]: exiting on SIGTERM

I manually restarted the cyrus master daemon.

Jun 10 14:36:12 lila master[13846]: process started
Jun 10 14:36:12 lila master[13847]: about to exec 
Jun 10 14:36:12 lila ctl_cyrusdb[13847]: recovering cyrus databases
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila ctl_cyrusdb[13847]: done recovering cyrus databases
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila master[13846]: ready for work
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila master[13848]: about to exec 
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila ctl_cyrusdb[13848]: checkpointing cyrus databases
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila ctl_cyrusdb[13848]: DBERROR: archive /var/imap/db: 
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila ctl_cyrusdb[13848]: archiving log file: 
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila ctl_cyrusdb[13848]: done checkpointing cyrus 

Cyrus attempts to checkpoint the database and fails.

Jun 10 14:36:13 lila master[13846]: process 13848 exited, status 0
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila master[13849]: about to exec 
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila imaps[13849]: executed
Jun 10 14:36:13 lila imapd[13849]: accepted connection
Jun 10 14:36:14 lila imapd[13849]: mystore: starting txn 2147483655
Jun 10 14:36:14 lila imapd[13849]: mystore: committing txn 2147483655
Jun 10 14:36:14 lila imapd[13849]: starttls: SSLv2 with cipher RC4-MD5 
bits new) no authentication
Jun 10 14:36:33 lila imapd[13849]: login:[0
.0.0.5] test CRAM-MD5+TLS User logged in
Jun 10 14:36:34 lila imapd[13849]: seen_db: user test opened 
Jun 10 14:36:34 lila imapd[13849]: open: user test opened INBOX

Now that cyrus has been restarted, everything works fine (for a couple 
of hours).

Here are the relevant versions installed from pkgsrc on my system:

cyrus-sasl-2.1.12   Simple Authentication and Security Layer
cyrus-imapd-2.1.13  Cyrus IMAP server
db3-3.11.2          Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 3

Note that I built everything using gcc-3.3 based on recommendations 
received here earlier.

Also, when the db3 package was building, I saw warnings about pointers 
and integers being cast to each other.  I didn't dig any further, but 
that seems like a definite red flag on a 64-bit machine.

Bill Dorsey