Subject: Re: bootstrap-pkgsrc vs rc.d
To: Julio Merino <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/28/2003 10:28:32
On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Julio Merino wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Apr 2003 16:09:32 +0200
> Tomasz Luchowski <> wrote:
> > I am using bootstrap-pkgsrc on Linux. I wonder how should "startup" scripts
> > be handled? For example, the app I'm trying to package provides
> > its own "rc.d" script - one for redhat and one for debian.
> Don't install them.
> > I don't think I should be using either of them. Am I supposed to create
> > standard NetBSD-like rc.d?
> Yes, create one and use RCD_SCRIPTS to automagically install it ;)

I don't follow you. What would be the point of installing a
NetBSD-like startup script on Linux?

> > If not, would it be possible to use NetBSD rc.d
> > system (at least to start packages from pkgsrc) on Linux?
> I think somebody got it working on... solaris maybe? I can't remember...

Why? If the package already supplies/supports scripts for the target
OS, why not use them? (You may have to tweak the paths if you don't
intall to /usr/local.)
