Subject: Re: installing glade2
To: James K. Lowden <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/13/2003 04:48:57
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On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 09:38:20PM -0500, James K. Lowden wrote:
> Maybe with a little guidance I can help solve this. I think I'm
> missing something, though. In case this is thread-related, I should
> mention my pkgsrc host is NetBSD 1.6 (GENERIC).
> I have pkg SUPped as of yesterday, see below. AIUI, that's as good as
> using CVS. In it, glade2-1.1.2nb2 is marked as broken. =20
no, it's not related to NetBSD and/or pkgsrc in any way (other than the
libgnomedb we have happens to be too new for Glade2 we have :/).
> Please tell me if you can what exactly is broken and what patch I
> might apply, if any. I can use any flavor of libgnomedb that will
> make Glade2 happy. libgnomedb is not installed; I have no Gnome
> anything on this box. I do have GTK2 installed, sufficient to run
> Bluefish and the Dia 0.91pre4. =20
there are API changes in new libgnomedb which are incompatible with what
Glade2 expects and this issue is resolved in the Glade2 cvs but no
release was made since then (Julio Merino could tell you more about the
issue since he talked about it with Glade2 developers). so you can
resolve the issue by looking what exactly needs to be patched in the
currect pkgsrc version of Glade2. Julio noted it as not worth the
trouble and we decided to mark it as broken until new release of Glade2
is out. as i mentioned before, you can use netbsd-1-6-1 pkgsrc branch
if you really need to use Glade2 immediatelly.
as for creating the fix, you can try to comment or remove the BROKEN
line from Glade2 Makefile, build all prerequisite packages and wait for
the build to fail. then fetch the Glade2 HEAD from their cvs and try to
fix the old version. you can also just ask the Glade2 people when the
new release is read :).
good luck in any case,
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> --
-- <> --
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