Subject: Why are packages ever installed to /usr/X11R6? (was Re: gtk+ being installed in /usr/X11R6 under current pkgsrc)
To: None <>
From: Eric Gillespie <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/16/2003 22:48:01
grant beattie <> writes:
> Packages which use X are installed into ${X11BASE} quite deliberately
> (as they should be, imho).
> As someone else suggested, use xpkgwedge if you want to modify this
> behavior.
Yes, that was me.
> You are correct, however, pkgsrc does force them there. That is
> far better than allowing packages to do whatever they feel like.
You misunderstand me. By default, pkgsrc forces all packages to
LOCALBASE except those which depend on X. This is inconsistent.
zsh depends on libc; why not force it into /usr? /usr/X11R6 is
part of the base system (that is, it is not managed by packages).
I don't want base stuff mixed up with package stuff. Is that not
part of the point of having a /usr/pkg hierarchy in the first
place? I don't want half my packages under one prefix and half
under another.
I do not think that packages should be allowed to do whatever
they like. I think that all packages should be forced to
I poked around with Google, but couldn't find any reason why
things are the way they are other than hysterical raisins.
Eric Gillespie <*>
Build a fire for a man, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on
fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. -Terry Pratchett