Subject: Re: file-roller missing dependencies
To: Eric Gillespie <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/11/2003 16:18:41
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 10:06:53 -0500
Eric Gillespie <> wrote:
> The file-roller package is simply a front-end to archivers such
> as zip, rar, tar, etc. This means that the package as it stands
> now lies about its capabilities, since it doesn't depend on any
> of these archivers. I happen to have zip and unzip on my system
> already, but a user who doesn't won't be able to create or
> extract zip archives. The same goes for other formats, such as
> rar.
> Making file-roller depend on all the supported archivers is
> probably overkill. For example, is it really necessary to force
> the lzop package onto a user's system? Has anyone ever seen an
> lzop-compressed file?
Does the file-roller binary change, depending on which archivers
were present at compile time? If that is not the case, we could
simply recommend the administrator through a MESSAGE to install as
many compression tools as he wants. (and probably depend on the most
common ones, i.e, gzip, bzip2, zip).
Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
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