Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/x11/gtk2-engines
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/07/2003 01:36:56
On Sun, 05 Jan 2003 16:57:06 -0500, Eric Gillespie <>
> (why does
> pkgsrc have such a bizarre and ancient version of libtool
> anyway?)
Perhaps because libtool lacks:
1. Design
2. Documentation
which it occasionally overcomes with heroic execution? Or not. I've
never come across anything else so important and so badly conceived.
Upgrading it is a guaranteed crapshoot.
My only real experience with it is in the database/freetds project. It's
not an experience I'll recount here, for the sake of your patience and my
blood pressure.
(pmji and please excuse the rant.)