Subject: Re: automatic replacement of locale directories in buildlink2
To: grant beattie <>
From: Johnny C. Lam <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/26/2002 18:12:59
On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 01:03:58PM +1100, grant beattie wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 03:50:17PM +0100, Lubomir Sedlacik wrote:
> > patch for mk/buildlink2/ is attached. instructions for
> > converting packages are:
> >
> > - remove all patches for PKGLOCALEDIR
> > - remove MAKE_ENV and CONFIGURE_ENV PKGLOCALEDIR variables
> > - add USE_PKGLOCALEDIR= yes
> Is it worth turning on USE_PKGLOCALEDIR automatically if
> We could, of course, create a list of OPSYSs which need to be hacked
> on, so that it is not invoked unnecessarily. That would create far
> less maintenance, since we would no longer need to know about broken
> packages and modify them accordingly.
It's better to just grep through the PLISTs in pkgsrc to see if they
install locale files, and set USE_PKGLOCALEDIR in those packages'
> Is there any possibility of screwing up a package by turning on this
> behaviour automatically?
I don't know, and I don't really want to find out ;)
> Other than that, this is great - I hacked on gtexinfo locally, nuked
> seven(!) patches and it worked perfectly!
Excellent news.
-- Johnny Lam <>