Subject: Re: upgrade lossage
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/06/2002 15:22:27
fyi, on advice from counsel...

>graphics/mencoder: the distinfo file needs regenerating[1] since
>graphics/mplayer-share/patches/patch-aa has been changed.
>x11/xscreensaver: the PLIST lists some files[2] that don't get
>installed.  i also suspect that one of the "hacks" is causing my x
>server to segv, but that's a separate issue.

wiz fixed these two (thanks wiz :).

>devel/SDL: the file "include/SDL_syswm.h" seems to need a
>"defined(__NetBSD__)" added to line 52[3] so that
>graphics/avifile-devel will build.  sadly, graphics/alpa[6] still
>won't build for me (the link fails), since[7] now seems
>to require libXxf86vm.a (which i don't seem to have in a shared

i committed this patch and bumped PKGREVISION.

>net/ettercap: the build dies lacking some list manipulation macros[4].
>we don't seem to have them at all, so i suspect that the kqueue import
>altered a file or two sufficiently to cause the local sys/queue.h file
>to get included early, which precludes the ettercap "copy" from being
>included.  said file, of course, contains the missing macros.

i committed this one, but since all it did was make the build work, i
didn't bump PKGREVISION.

>chat/gaim: any emacs user will be dismayed to find that hitting
>control-k in a chat window[5] no longer performs the equivalent of the
>"kill-line" function, but instead pops up the "kolour picker".

i committed this one, and since it changed (restored, actually)
functionality, i bumped the PKGREVISION.

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."