Subject: Re: OpenOffice "NetBSD" port ( (WAS: Re: NoOpenOffice 1.0 package?)
To: Brian A. Seklecki <>
From: Michael Rauch <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/07/2002 19:45:41

On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 02:47:38PM -0400, Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Jul 2002 @ 7:59am (-0700), Brian de Alwis wrote:
> According to:
> There is already a port in place for NetBSD/sparc. 

That page is slightly outdated. I've originally started my work on porting to NetBSD on sparc, but switched to i386 when I bought a new
computer at home, and nowadays the port to sparc faces the problem of not
having an up-to-date jdk available (sun-jdk>=1.3 is needed, and that doesn't
run under solaris emulation).

> However FreeBSD has a
> working port of 1.0.1.  I see that there are 121 patches in the
> pkgsrc/misc/openoffice pkg for 641 on i386 alone(1).  Wouldn't it make more
> sense to start a separate project for NetBSD/i386 at and merge
> all the changes into their CVS tree and then have a liaison with them.  It
> just seems more conducive to open-source cooperation that way.

Most of the patches are already integrated back. The ones missing are for
the configure stage, and for that part of OOo I had to do some larger
fiddling to work together nicely with pkgsrc, and it is undergoing a major
rewrite in the OOo project soon anyway. 1.0.1 as found on my hard disk has still some problems to run
longer than a few seconds, that's why there isn't an update yet. My personal
time to work on it is unfortunately very limited at the moment, but that's
going to change again in the future. I've passed what I've got so far also
on to a co-developer, I don't know if he's got any more news.


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