Subject: gnome2 packages
To: None <>
From: Martti Kuparinen <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/07/2002 10:18:39

Has anybody been working to get gnome 2.x packages for NetBSD? I read
the Gnome installation document yesterday evening and found these
packages which still need our attention:

+ = needs to be updated
# = a new package is needed
? = maybe a new package is needed (packagename vs packagename2)

+ scrollkeeper
+ linc
+ libIDL
+ ORBit2
+ bonobo-activation
* bzvt
* libgnome
? libgtop
? librsvg
? eel
* gnome-panel
* gnome-terminal
? gnome-utils
? gnome-applets
? control-center
? gnome-games
* bug-buddy
+ eog
* nautilus
* gnome-system-monitor
* yelp
* gedit
+ librep
+ rep-gtk
? sawfish
? gnome-media
+ gdm
* at-spi
* libgail-gnome
* gconf-editor
* gnome2-user-docs


Martti Kuparinen <>      NetBSD - No media hype