Subject: Mplayer and codecs.conf
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/01/2002 13:11:01
I had mplayer 0.90pre6 installed and it worked fine. IIRC, I did not have
a ~/.mplayer/codecs.conf; although, mplayer runned perfectly. I reinstalled
my system and compiled mplayer again (now 0.90pre8). This time, it does not
work (it complains about the missing codecs.conf). It needs it either in
the home directory or in pkg/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf. It's beeing installed
in pkg/share/mplayer/codecs.conf...
Is this the expected behavior? Should we install a copy of codecs.conf in
the etc tree, so mplayer works fine with a fresh installation (i.e., without
the need to be tuned)?
HispaBSD admin -
For the developer -
Julio Merino <>