Subject: Re: latest imap-uw
To: Jared D. McNeill <>
From: Dave Burgess <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/24/2002 19:14:06
Quoting "Jared D. McNeill" <>:

> Dave Burgess wrote:
> > Either way, it looks more like it might be an IMP error rather than an
> > error.  So, to answer the original mail "IMAP-UW seems to be working great
> from
> > here!" :-)
> Sorry, I guess I wasn't paying too much attention to this thread
> earlier.
> I had this same problem. It has to do with self-signed certificates and
> imap-ssl
> with IMP. There are flags that you can add on to the server name to
> disable
> SSL as well as certificate verification (ISTR even if I disable ssl, I
> still
> needed to use novalidate-cert).
> It's documented in horde/imp/config/servers.php:
>  * NOTE: If you are using a self-signed server certificate with with
> either
>  * imap/ssl or pop3/ssl, you MUST add /novalidate-cert at the end of the
>  * protocol string. So for imap, this would be
> "imap/ssl/novalidate-cert",
>  * and for pop3 it would be "pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert". This is
> necessary to
>  * tell c-client not to complain about the lack of a valid CA on the
>  * certificate.
> Of course, since I haven't been paying attention to this thread, I may
> be _way_
> off track. If so, ignore me :^)

Sounds like it might be about right.  It was complaining about the expired cert 
on the server, so I genned up a quick one.

One of these days, I'm going to build us a NetBSD CA.

Dave Burgess
Chief Technology Officer
Nebraska On-Ramp, Inc
Bellevue, NE

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