Subject: Re: unneeded dependencies for grail
To: None <daniel@bicho.SynchroDS.COM,>
From: Daniel Senderowicz <daniel@bicho.SynchroDS.COM>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/01/2002 15:25:36
It DOES use python, but version python15-1.5.2, as properly
stated in README.html:

<a href="../../devel/py-distutils/README.html">py15-distutils-1.0.2</A>
<a href="../../lang/python15/README.html">python15-1.5.2</A>


>> This is probably not very important since grail is not a very
>> usable browser anyway, but the README.html file mentions two
>> dependencies:
>> <a href="../../lang/python21/README.html">python21-2.1.2</A>
>> <a href="../../x11/py-Tk/README.html">py21-Tk-0</A>
>> That are not really needed.
>I'm not following you. How are you supposed to you run a browser
>written in python, without python? Explain.