Subject: Re: www/galeon vs. gconf
To: NetBSD Packages Technical Discussion List <tech-pkg@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/19/2002 22:12:54
[ On Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 20:03:57 (-0500), Greg A. Woods wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: www/galeon vs. gconf
> Hmmm.... it's even running (it's just so small I never saw it in 'top'! :-):
> # ps -uwwtp0
> woods  9553  0.0 17.0 31332 55576 p0 S    12:47PM 6:15.67 /usr/pkg/bin/galeon-bin --disable-sound 
> woods 13528  0.0  0.3    80  1112 p0 I    10:23PM 0:00.06 xcmap 
> woods  2058  0.0  0.7   936  2176 p0 I    Mon04PM 0:02.66 /usr/pkg/bin/gconfd-1 9 
> but it seems to have been started about the time I first started galeon.
> There are other rumours in the GNOME Bugzilla and the Galeon FAQ about
> killing gconfd and so on -- maybe I need to read a bit more and do a few
> more experiments....

Stopping (quitting) galeon, killing that gconfd-1 thing, and restarting
galeon seems to have restored not only all my preferences, but all the
tabs I had open were there and everything!

(this is exactly the advice given in the galeon FAQ, linked to off the
support entry on the galeon home page, most easily accessed from the
Help menu -- I just didn't realise I had a gconfd thing runnging before! ;-)

								Greg A. Woods

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