Subject: Re: cvs update after ftping pkgsrc.tar.gz?
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/15/2002 11:00:45
On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> So I ftp'd pkgsrc.tar.gz yesterday (dated Mar. 9).
> # time cvs update -A -d -P 2>&1 | tee LOG
> Connection refused
Okay, it is working now that I set "CVS_RSH=ssh". Since the cvsroot
doesn't have ":pserver:" prefix, this needs to be set. This isn't
documented very clearly for packages.html#setting_up_pkgsrc
Please consider adding to method 3 (ftp):
The pkgsrc tarfile contains the CVS support files, so it can be
used for cvs updates without having to check out the module. The
cvsroot doesn't contain the ":pserver:" prefix, so you can set
CVS_RSH to "ssh" in your environment before doing the
<tt>cvs update -d -P</tt>
Of course, other notes could be added to indicate if the CVS/Root files
can be changed to use ":pserver:" or the location changed. Maybe this
should all be mentioned in Packages.txt too.
Jeremy C. Reed