Subject: Re: fetching after an interupted or corrupted download
To: None <>
From: John Refling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/21/2002 16:55:59
I have used wget very successfully as a replacement for ftp.
The firewall I am behind would cause ftp to silently fail
sometimes --- very frustrating...

I also add another target to my Makefiles which tests all files
(presumably they are .z or .gz only) and removes defective ones,
and refetches!  This could certainly be enhanced!

# for the first get, use this since it is reliable and will retry when the
# connection is broken, whereas the default ftp can fail silently. On wget,
# may need http:// instead of ftp://, maybe not.

FETCH_CMD=     wget

.for __i__ in ${DISTFILES}
        @${GZIP_CMD} -dc ${DISTDIR}/${__i__} > //dev/null || ${RM} -f ${DISTDIR}/${__i__}
        @make fetch

.include "../../mk/"