Subject: Re: buildlink-ifying some packages
To: Eric Gillespie, Jr. <>
From: Dr. Rene Hexel <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/03/2001 08:06:28
"Eric Gillespie, Jr." wrote:
> So, when i went to package Gabber when i noticed that most of the
> GNOME libraries do not use buildlink. I've decided to fix that,
> so this message is a heads-up to avoid duplication of effort but
> also a request for review.
Thanks for your efforts, Eric. As you may have noted from the commit
messages, in the last days, I have converted a few GNOME packages to now
use buildlink. I do have several in the works, but they still need some
brushing up before committing. The packages I've been working on (that
are not yet committed) are:
I will probably be working on others as well, but it might be a good
idea to coordinate efforts here.
> files for textproc/libunicode. Please let me know
> if this looks right. If so, i'll send-pr(1).
At the first glance, this looks okay. I trust you have tested this
with some dependent package on your system?
> So unless someone complains and as long as i know what i'm doing,
> i'll tackle all the other GNOME libraries (gal, eel, gnome--, a
> bizillion others).
That's fine with me, but please see the above list for packages that
are already in the works. In order to coordinate efforts, it might be a
good idea if you sent me (in private mail) the list of packages you are
currently working on (or plan to work on soon). I will do so as well,
so we can avoid duplicate work.