Subject: Re: packaging software that installs "per-user"
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/28/2001 11:29:21
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 wrote:

> >       You'll probably need to modify the
> > 	package to install the default set of files under
> > 	/usr/pkg/share/pkgname/.. or similar (assuming they are arch
> > 	independent) and maybe add a shell wrapper to automatically
> > 	copy across into the current user's homedir if needed...
> I think there will be arch-dependent files -- any suggestions where to
> put such files?  I looked in hier(7), but didn't manage to convince
> myself of a suitable answer.

	Probably $LOCALBASE/libdata/pkgname - it might make sense to put
	the entire set there rather than an awkward share/libdata split.
		David/absolute		-- No hype required --