Subject: Re: Bulk-Updating
To: None <tech-pkg@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/08/2001 18:07:31
I had ~0 reaction to this last time I posted, so I suppose no one objects ;-)

Short summary: the below patch adds support for two environment variables:

    if set makes "make show-downlevel" stop a bit earlier (since with the
    other one below you will be only interested in the first downlevel
    pkg found). Good ideas to make it stop ASAP are welcome ;-)

    if set forces the pattern match for dependencies to fail whenever the
    installed pkg is not the version in the makefile (i.e. "make show-downlevel"
    would print a version mismatch for the dependecy). This causes all
    downlevel dependencies (and everything depending on them) to be rebuild.

The idea is to have a way to update all your installed packages and only 
rebuild everything once.

Is it OK to commit this? (Since I'm not working on pkgsrc, I feel a bit 
uncomfortable about me commiting this without review.)


RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/mk/,v
retrieving revision 1.804
diff -c -u -r1.804
---	2001/08/27 15:05:54	1.804
+++	2001/09/08 15:48:39
@@ -1320,6 +1320,10 @@
 	found="`${PKG_INFO} -e \"${PKGBASE}\" || ${TRUE}`";		\
 	if [ "X$$found" != "X" -a "X$$found" != "X${PKGNAME}" ]; then	\
 		${ECHO} "${PKGBASE} package: $$found installed, pkgsrc version ${PKGNAME}"; \
+		if [ "X$$STOP_DOWNLEVEL_AFTER_FIRST" != "X" ]; then	\
+			${ECHO} "stoping after first downlevel pkg found";	\
+			exit 1;						\
+		fi;							\
 .  endif
@@ -2725,6 +2729,13 @@
 	pkg="${dep:C/:.*//}";						\
 	dir="${dep:C/[^:]*://:C/:.*$//}";				\
 	found=`${PKG_INFO} -e "$$pkg" || ${TRUE}`;			\
+	if [ "X$$REBUILD_DOWNLEVEL_DEPENDS" != "X" ]; then		\
+		pkgname=`cd $$dir ; ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} show-var VARNAME=PKGNAME`;	\
+		if [ "X$$found" != "X" -a "X$$found" != "X$${pkgname}" ]; then		\
+			${ECHO_MSG} "ignoring old installed package \"$$found\"";	\
+			found="";					\
+		fi;							\
+	fi;								\
 	if [ "$$found" != "" ]; then					\
 		instobjfmt=`${PKG_INFO} -B "$$pkg" | ${AWK} '/^OBJECT_FMT/ {print $$2}' | ${HEAD} -1`; \
 		if [ "$$instobjfmt" = "" ]; then			\