Subject: Re: FVWM 2.4.0 (fwd)
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Nathan Ahlstrom <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/09/2001 16:18:57
I am working on this one.

Hubert Feyrer <> wrote:
> any takers?
>  - Hubert
> -- 
> Hubert Feyrer <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: 03 Jul 2001 15:25:34 -0500
> From: Jason L Tibbitts III <>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: FVWM 2.4.0
> Over two busy years have passed since FVWM 2.2 was released. Bugs,
> floods, and cats had to be mastered, but:
> The people on the FVWM-Workers list are very pleased to announce
>   ___  __  __ __      __   _  _        ___       __ __      _
>  | __| ||  || ||      ||  /\\//\      // \\      || ||     | |
>  ||_   ||  || ||      || // \/ \\        //      ||_||     | |
>  | _|  ||  || ||      || ||    ||       //       \__ |     |_|
>  ||     \\//   \\ /\ //  ||    ||      //__   _     ||      _
>  ||      \/     \//\\/   ||    ||     /____| |_|    ||     |_|
> Available at it includes the following
> Highlights:
> -----------
>  ** A new "Theme" module called FvwmTheme and "colour sets"
>     including 8 kinds of gradients and pixmap support controlling
>     the appearance of borders, title bars, frames, 3D shadows,
>     menus and modules.
>  ** GNOME compliance.
>     GNOME hints can be turned on and off for individual windows.
>  ** Mouse stroke support.
>     You will need the libstroke library, found at
>  ** Much more flexibility and control in menu definition and menu
>     styles including dynamically generated menus and some menu
>     generating scripts.
>  ** Almost all commands, including Key, Mouse and Style, take
>     effect immediately.  The Recapture command is no longer needed
>     to activate most changes.
>  ** The old StaysOnTop style option has been generalised into the
>     concept of layers.  See the fvwm2 man page for details.
>  ** Using Alt-Tab now works exactly like the other one.
>  ** A derived package fvwm-themes standardises FVWM Themes issues.
>     More info is available at
>  ** Improved multi head support.
>  ** A follow up release supporting Xinerama is planned soon.
> And more:
> ---------
>  ** The root cursor now indicates when Fvwm is busy.
>  ** New module FvwmGtk for Gtk style menus and dialogs.
>  ** FvwmAnimate support in FvwmIconBox, FvwmIconMan, FvwmTaskBar,
>     and FvwmWinList.
>  ** Control over mouse pointer colours and pixmap pointers.
>     More CursorStyle contexts.
>  ** New command to configure a way to abort Fvwm waiting.
>     Look at EscapeFunc in the fvwm2 man page.
>  ** Animated window shading with the WindowShadeSteps window
>     style.
>  ** Title-bars at the bottom or the top of windows with the
>     TitleAtBottom and TitleAtTop styles.
>  ** The WindowList command has options to allow better
>     control of which windows are shown.
>  ** Session management support.
>  ** Experimental multi byte font support with the
>     --enable-multibyte configure option.
>  ** A shell script to convert old 2.2 configuration files into
>     2.4 syntax: fvwm24_convert.
>  ** User configuration is now searched in $HOME/.fvwm by default.
>  ** A non conflicting and more readable syntax for module
>     configs: "*FvwmPager: DeskTopScale 32"
>  ** For most of users, the ModulePath and ImagePath commands will
>     become unnecessary.  Both can be built in.  User specified
>     ModulePath and ImagePath can add on to the built in paths.
>  ** Most users can remove the ColorLimit command.  It takes the
>     best setting depending on the colour depth.
>  ** Output of the configure script is more understandable.
>  ** When fvwm is run remotely, startup is noticeably faster.
>  ** VMS port.
>  ** Killing modules running under an alias now works.
>  ** ICCCM2 compliance.
> More detailed information on the contents of this release can be
> found at:
> A full list of all new and changed features follows at the end of
> this document.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Suggested changes to your configuration file:
> ---------------------------------------------
>  - All fvwm user configurations should be moved to $HOME/.fvwm
>    directory; Read command supports $HOME/.fvwm by default, but
>    not $HOME.
>  - Recapture can be removed from any style changing code.
>  - "HilightColor fore/back" becomes
>    "Style * Hilightfore fore, HilightBack back"
>  - "HilightColorset colorset" becomes
>    "Style * HilightColorset colorset"
>  - "WindowShadeAnimate steps" becomes
>    "Style * WindowShadeSteps steps"
>  - "WindowFont font" becomes
>    "Style * Font font"
>  - "IconPath" / "PixmapPath" becomes
>    "ImagePath"
>    The directories from both statements should be merged, any
>    directories built in could be removed, and a plus sign should
>    be added to the end.
>  - In most cases, the ModulePath statement can be removed or
>    treated like the ImagePath.
>  - Users should consider removing any alt-tab binding they have
>    over the builtin binding.
>  - The Colorlimit command can be removed.
>  - The FvwmGoodStuff module is obsoleted by FvwmButtons.  If you
>    are using FvwmGoodStuff, you need to recode this part of your
>    configuration.
>  - The GlobalOpts command has become Style options and the BugOpts
>    command.  Please refer to the GlobalOpts command in the man
>    page for details.
>  - Most of these configuration files changes can be done using the
>    new fvwm24_convert command that comes with fvwm.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Full list of changes:
> =====================
> New commands:
> -------------
>  * New command UnsetEnv unsets environment variables, complements
>    SetEnv.
>  * New command UpdateStyles forces an immediate style update, even
>    within a complex function.
>  * New command ResizeMove combines Move and Resize commands.
>  * New command PointerKey.  Similar to the Key command but binds
>    keystrokes to the window under the pointer instead of the
>    window that has the keyboard focus.
>  * New commands DefaultColorset and HilightColorset.
>  * New command StrokeFunc to handle mouse stroke.
>  * New command BusyCursor to control a busy cursor during
>    execution of certain commands.
>  * New command EscapeFunc to configure an aborting key sequence
>    (default is Ctrl-Alt-Escape).
>  * New command HideGeometryWindow to hide the size/position when
>    moving or resizing windows.
>  * New command BugOpts enables various former bug fixing
>    compile time options to be changed at run time.
>  * The new commands QuitSession, SaveSession, SaveQuitSession
>    control the session management feature.
>  * New command MaxWindowSize limits the initial dimensions of a
>    window.
>  * The MoveThreshold command lets the user fine tune the threshold
>    when a click becomes a move.  It works in FvwmPager too.
>  * IgnoreModifiers command for ignoring the pesky num-lock
>    key with key and mouse bindings.
>  * ImagePath and ModulePath commands now expand '+' to be the
>    previous value of the path.
>  * New command: DefaultIcon to set the default icon.
>  * New command: RecaptureWindow captures a single window.
>  * GotoDesk command replaces former command Desk (the old name is
>    still supported.
>  * New function PlaceAgain: moves a window to where it would be
>    placed.
>  * New commands All and Pick.
>  * New command XORPixmap for increased visibility of the rubber
>    band lines and general spangly-ness.
>  * New command: Silent.  Suppresses user interaction when a window
>    is needed but none is selected.
> New command features:
> ---------------------
>  * New BugOpts option FlickeringQtDialogsWorkaround.
>  * WindowId and WarpToFunction have been enhanced to handle
>    windows on different screens and unmanaged windows.
>  * New expanding variables: $., $[page.nx], $[page.ny].
>  * Pressing mouse button 2 in an FvwmIdent window restarts
>    FvwmIdent and asks for a new window.
>  * New window styles GNOMEIgnoreHints and GNOMEUseHints to disable
>    GNOME hints for specific windows even if GNOME compliance is
>    compiled in.
>  * SendToModule can accept aliases too.
>  * KillModule supports an optional alias parameter as given in
>    Module.
>      Module FvwmModule Alias
>      KillModule FvwmModule Alias
>  * Implemented "$*" in complex functions.  This works like in a
>    shell and is replaced by all arguments of a function.
>  * Implemented several new parameters:
>      $[desk.width], $[desk.height], $[vp.x], $[vp.y], $[vp.width],
>      $[vp.height], $[w.x], $[w.y], $[w.width], $[w.height],
>      $[screen], $[<env-var>]
>  * New options GrowUp, GrowDown, GrowLeft, GrowRight to the
>    Maximize command.
>  * New options "keep" to Move command to leave either coordinate
>    unchanged.
>  * New options "bottomright" and "br" to Resize command.
>  * Resize command can take negative arguments.  A "keep" argument
>    leaves the corresponding dimension untouched.
>  * New condition PlacedByButton3 that is true if the last
>    interactive Move command was finished by pressing mouse button
>    3.
>  * Wait command supports quoted window names.
>  * New parameter "prev" for GotoDesk, GotoDeskAndPage and
>    MoveToDesk commands.
>  * New WindowList options NoOnBottom, OnBottom and OnlyOnBottom.
>  * New option NoHotkeys to WindowList command.
>  * The CursorStyle command accepts two new cursors: "None" for no
>    cursor and "Tiny" for a single pixel cursor.
>  * New "flat" and "sunk" options to BorderStyle command.
>  * New options for the WindowList command: UseListSkip and
>    OnlySkipList.
>  * New function variable $v.
>  * A new special fvwm function StartFunction is introduced.  It is
>    supposed to be used to start modules and for other start
>    commands.  This function is executed before InitFunction and
>    RestartFunction.  Any commands currently in both the InitFunction
>    and RestartFuction can be moved to the new StartFunction.
>  * New function variables $c, $r, $n.
>  * The Restart function has been partially rewritten.  If you were
>    using Restart without any parameters and wonder why changes
>    in your configuration file are not used during a restart you
>    should use "Restart --dont-preserve-state" instead.
>  * New special functions Session{Init|Restart|Exit}Function are
>    called instead of {Init|Restart|Exit}Function when running
>    under a session manager.
>  * The behaviour of the Raised and Visible flags for Next,
>    Circulate, ...  commands has been changed.  They now do what
>    their names suggest, i.e.  visible = partially visible and
>    raised = fully visible.
>  * A new action type 'H' for "Hold" can be assigned to complex
>    fvwm functions.  It is triggered when the button is pressed and
>    held longer than ClickTime milliseconds.
>  * Colour gradients may use up to 1000 colours.  The old limit was
>    128 colours.
>  * New button states ToggledActiveUp, ToggledActiveDown,
>    ToggledInactive for customizing, as an example, the "maximised"
>    appearance of the maximise button.
>  * New button style flag MWMDecorStick to support toggle buttons
>    for the Stick function.
>  * New condition [!]shaded for Current and other commands taking
>    conditions.
>  * New button style flag MWMDecorShade to support toggle buttons
>    for shaded windows.
>  * The NoWarp option to the Focus command for focusing a window on
>    a different page without switching to that page.
>  * Enhancements to MoveToPage and GotoPage: "prev" option to refer
>    to the last visited page, negative numbers refer to lower/right
>    page, suffix 'p' indicates page number relative to current
>    page.
>  * WindowID command now takes conditions like Current.
>  * Improved cursor support: CursorStyle now supports changing
>    cursor colours and creating cursors from xpm files.
> New styles:
> -----------
>  * New option "recreate" to DestroyDecor and DestroyMenu commands.
>  * New option None to the IconBox style.
>  * New styles IconifyWindowGroupsTogether and
>    IconifyWindowGroupsOff.
>  * New styles KeepWindowGroupsOnDesk and ScatterWindowGroups to
>    cope with applications using the window group hint incorrectly
>    (mozilla).
>  * We have two "clever" placement algorithms: MinOverlapPlacement
>    (the old one) and MinOverlapPercentPlacement.
>  * New styles UseIconPosition (default) and NoIconPosition.
>  * New style option ParentalRelativity to enable Fvwm modules to
>    use "Transparent" colour sets from FvwmTheme.  "Opacity" turns
>    it off.
>  * The GlobalOpts command was removed in favour of individual
>    window styles.  Please look for GlobalOpts in the man page to
>    find out how to get the old functionality.
>  * New style option IconFont.
>  * New style option Font replaces the old WindowFont command.
>  * New window styles HilightFore, HilightBack and HilightColorset
>    replace the old commands HilightColor and HilightColorset.
>  * New styles BackingStore/BackingStoreOff and
>    SaveUnder/SaveUnderOff.
>  * New styles TitleAtBottom and TitleAtTop.
>  * New Style options ResizeOpaque and ResizeOutline.
>  * The new styles LowerTransient and DontLowerTransient allow to
>    control if the transients of a window are lowered when the
>    window itself is lowered (default) or not.
>  * The new styles RaiseTransient and DontRaiseTransient allow to
>    control if the transients of a window are raised when the
>    window itself is raised (default) or not.
>  * New style DepressableBorder/FirmBorder to influence the
>    appearance of the window border under button presses.
>  * New style IconOverride/NoIconOverride/NoActiveIconOverride to
>    influence the overriding behaviour of the Icon style.
>  * GrabFocusTransient is a new style that does the same as
>    GrabFocus, but only for transient windows.
>  * StaysOnBottom style.
>  * NeverFocus style: windows with this style never receive the
>    focus.
>  * FixedPosition style: disables moving the window.
>  * IgnoreRestack style: forbids clients to change their own
>    stacking order position.
>  * New style options: StartsLowered, StartsRaised.
> New menu features:
> ------------------
>  * New menu styles PopdownImmediately, PopdownDelayed and
>    PopdownDelay.
>  * New command CopyMenuStyle.
>  * New MenuStyle option SelectOnRelease to better emulate
>    Alt-Tab.  Same option for WindowList command.
>  * More menu Shortcut keys: Tab moves down, Shift Tab moves up,
>    Space executes.  You can now reasonably operate the built-in
>    windowlist with one hand.
>  * New menu styles VerticalItemSpacing and VerticalTitleSpacing
>    allow control over the height of menu items and titles.
>  * Dynamic menus enhancement: The special menu item name
>    MissingSubmenuFunc allows to create sub menus on the fly.
>    See man page on AddToMenu for details.
>  * There can be two mini icons per menu label instead of one now.
>  * Menu enhancements: the layout of the menu items can be
>    controlled in detail with the ItemFormat option for the
>    MenuStyle command.  The width of the borders around menus and
>    hilighted items can be controlled with the options BorderWidth
>    and Hilight3DThickness (MenuStyle).  Menu behaviour can be
>    mirrored with the SumbenusLeft option (hard to describe, it's
>    best to try it out).  A menu item can get up to three different
>    labels.  The first two are left aligned, the third is right
>    aligned by default.
>  * New menu styles HoldSubmenus/DeleteSubmenus.  HoldSubmenus is
>    the new default for mwm and fvwm menus.  When you move back
>    from a submenu to its parent menu the submenu remains visible.
>  * Menus can be visible multiple times at once.
>  * Dynamic menus are provided by the special menu items
>    DynamicPopupAction and DynamicPopdownAction.  See the man page
>    under AddToMenu for details.
>  * New MenuStyle options: PopupAsRootmenu, PopupAsSubmenu
> Mew module options and features:
> --------------------------------
>  * Several modules and fvwm itself support $FVWM_USERDIR environment
>    variable to search for user files.  It defaults to $HOME/.fvwm.
>  * New FvwmIconMan options: IconButton and IconColorset to control
>    colors for iconified windows.
>  * New FvwmIconBox option: FvwmIconBoxUseSkipList.
>  * FvwmBacker is now page-aware, using a new configuration syntax.
>  * New FvwmPager options SolidSeparators and NoSeparators.
>  * Colour names from colour sets can be used in fvwm command
>    ($[fg.cs<n>], $[bg.cs<n>], $[hilite.cs<n>] and
>    $[shadow.cs<n>]).
>  * The old Panels feature of FvwmButtons has been removed.  A
>    re-implementation has been written.
>  * FvwmAnimate accepts "animate" commands from other modules or
>    other sources of commands through SendToModule.
>  * Geometry (-g) command line option to FvwmButtons.
>  * *FvwmPagerSloppyFocus option: To focus a window, simply move
>    the pointer over the window's mini window in the pager.
>  * FvwmWinList option *FvwmWinListFollowWindowList to display the
>    order that fvwm keeps windows in.  You can now see the order
>    that Next/Prev will take, Prev goes down the list, Next goes up
>    (from the bottom).
>  * Mailcheck interval option for FvwmTaskBar.
>  * Made FvwmPager a bit simpler.  Added -transient options to bind
>    a transient pager to mouse buttons (see FvwmPager man page for
>    an example).
>  * FvwmPager can now handle pixmaps as desk backgrounds.
>  * Lots of changes to FvwmForm:
>    No limits of form size.
>    Fonts and colors can change anywhere in the form.
>    Form appearance can be configured globally:
>      Form defaults are read from .FvwmForm.
>      There is a built in Default setting/saving dialogue.
>    Forms can be read in directly from a file.
>    Some forms are installed automatically.
>    Tab to previous field.
>    You can control vertical spacing on text so spacing is OK for
>    help panels.
>    A button can execute a synchronous shell command.
>    You can paste into a form
>    Forms can read configuration data.
> New utilities:
> --------------
>  * New utility fvwm-config allows to query an existing installation.
>  * New configurable script fvwm-menu-headlines to show headlines
>    of some popular web sites in your fvwm menus.  Supported sites:
>    FreshMeat, LinuxToday, Slashdot, Segfault, AppWatch and more.
>  * New configurable script fvwm-menu-directory to create a file
>    system browser using fvwm menus.
>  * New configurable script fvwm-menu-desktop to support GNOME and
>    KDE menus as fvwm or FvwmGtk menus.
>  * New configurable script fvwm-menu-xlock replaces old
>    BuildXLockMenu.
>  * Include fvwmbug script for reporting bugs.
>  * New utility xselection which can be used with PipeRead to feed
>    the content of the X Selection as commands to fvwm.
> New command line and configure options:
> ---------------------------------------
>  * New configure option --disable-package-subdirs, see
>    INSTALL.fvwm for info.
>  * New temporary option -debug_stack_ring.
>  * New command line arguments -visual and -visualId.
>  * New command line argument -replace.  fvwm will try to take
>    over from a running window manager only if it is given.
> Miscellaneous:
> --------------
>  * Icons have been removed from the fvwm package and are available
>    at the fvwm web site.
>  * Sub windows can have a private colourmap too.
>  * FvwmConfig module has been removed.
>  * FvwmPipe module has been removed.
>  * The FvwmCommand module is now much faster and can thus
>    comfortably be used in shell scripts.  The tradeoff is that it
>    does not report errors any more.  To get the old behaviour run
>    FvwmCommand with the "-i 1" option.
> Contact information:
> --------------------
>  * The official fvwm homepage:
>  * Questions about the release can be asked on our mailing list:
>  * Bugs can be reported either at the fvwm-workers mailing list or
>    through our bug tracking system:
> --
> Visit the official FVWM web page at <URL:>.
> To unsubscribe from the list, send "unsubscribe fvwm-announce" in the
> body of a message to
> To report problems, send mail to

Nathan Ahlstrom / / / GPG: 0x67BC9D19