Subject: Re: pkgsrc rpm-2.5.4 trouble
To: Gerald C. Simmons <>
From: Johnny C. Lam <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/18/2001 17:00:07
"Gerald C. Simmons" <> writes:
> realpath.o: warning: getwd() possibly used unsafely, consider using getcwd()
> /usr/pkgsrc/misc/rpm/work/rpm-2.5.4/misc/libmisc.a(realpath.o): Definition of s
> ymbol `_realpath' (multiply defined)
> /usr/lib/libc.a(getcwd.o): Definition of symbol `_realpath' (multiply defined)
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> gmake: *** [rpm] Error 1
> *** Error code 2
> Upon investigation, I found that removing realpath from libmisc.a in
> rpm-2.5.4/misc removed this conflict.
> Is this the proper way to resolve this???
No. The rpm configure process should be able to detect a realpath
implementation in your libc and not build its own realpath for
libmisc.a. We should be trying to figure out why libc's realpath is
not being detected properly on your machine. What OS and version are
you running? Can you provide the config.log produced by the configure
script at a publicly available URL?
-- Johnny C. Lam <>
Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University