Subject: Re: distinfo files for multiple architectures
To: Thomas Klausner <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/08/2001 15:38:15
On Tue, 8 May 2001, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> Mutt made me believe that Alistair Crooks wrote:
> > I've not been aware of any packages with this behaviour before now
> > (which doesn't prove anything except I'm growing old and forgetful).
> openssl does something very similar (though it's not exactly the same
> problem, I think one could apply all patches in all cases -- but I
> don't care enough, and I don't have a Solaris pkgsrc to test on).
actually its a solaris binary running on NetBSD under compat_svr4.
> > 1. arch-specific distinfo files (I'm not a fan of this because I'd like
> > to get away from specialised customised things).
> >
> > 2. special handling within distinfo itself. (I loathe this idea, included
> > only for completeness)
> >
> > 3. Perhaps split the package into two architecture-specific packages?
> >
> > 4. Something else I've not thought about.
> 4a. Do it like openssl. I don't really like that, though.
> 4b. Do it like citrix does right now, BUT use only one distfile -- how?
> Easy: Just rename the patches of one set to patch-ac and patch-ad (or
> some other non-taken extension). pkgsrc doesn't currently complain if
> it has checksums in the distinfo for which it doesn't find patches.
> That way we'd at least have only one distinfo, and it seems cleaner to
> me than the current solution for openssl.
what about including PATCHES_DIR in distinfo?
(patches.i386/patch-aa) SHA1 ......
(patches.sparc/patch-aa) SHA1 ......