Subject: Re: distinfo files for multiple architectures
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/08/2001 15:48:54
On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 11:02:51AM +0100, David Brownlee wrote:
> citrix_ica has a distinfo.i386 and distinfo.sparc, while navigator
> keeps different architectures in the same distinfo file (and needs
> more care when rebuilding distinfos)
> Currently lintpkgsrc will miss the citrix_ica distinfos and
> incorrectly report the distfiles as unused. (This can obviously
> be fixed :)
> Can we standardise on one way to handle this, and which should
> it be?
> --
> David/absolute -- No hype required --
I'd much prefer it if we had one distinfo file, without the arch
suffix. If this means we have to be more careful when upgrading
packages, then so be it.