Subject: Re: pkgconflict output
To: None <>
From: Dr. Lex Wennmacher <wennmach@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/11/2001 19:08:49
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Ooops, sorry, I attached a stale CLF-count file to my previous e-mail. Here is
the correct one. Sorry for the mess.


Content-Type: text/plain ; name="CFL-count" ; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment ; filename="CFL-count"

CFL-count table generated Wed Apr 11 12:23:43 MEST 2001
This table contains:
    a pair of conflicting packages (unique) (first 2 columns)
    the count of conflicting files          (third column)
           pkg            |            pkg             | count 
 AiCA-0.71.1              | AiSSLtelnet-0.142          |     1
 AiSSLtelnet-0.142        | AiCA-0.71.1                |     1
 apache-2.0.15            | expat-1.95.1               |     3
 apache-2.0.16            | expat-1.95.1               |     3
 asr-manpages-20000406    | rtfm-1.0                   |     1
 bind-8.2.3               | host-991529                |     1
 bind-             | host-991529                |     2
 bind-             | host-991529                |     2
 bind-9.1.1               | host-991529                |     2
 bind-9.2.0s20010214      | host-991529                |     2
 bounce-0.0               | majordomo-1.94.4           |     2
 bounce-0.0               | majordomo-1.94.4nb1        |     2
 coda-client-      | coda-server-        |     1
 coda-client-      | coda-server-5.3.5          |     1
 coda-client-      | rpc2-1.5                   |     1
 coda-doc-         | lmbench-2.11a              |     1
 coda-server-      | coda-client-        |     1
 coda-server-      | rpc2-1.5                   |     1
 coda-server-      | rvm-1.1                    |     2
 coda-server-5.3.5        | coda-client-        |     1
 coda-server-5.3.5        | rpc2-1.5                   |     1
 coda-server-5.3.5        | rvm-1.1                    |     2
 cyrus-imapd-1.6.24nb1    | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 digest-20010308          | majordomo-1.94.4           |     1
 digest-20010312          | majordomo-1.94.4           |     1
 digest-20010319          | majordomo-1.94.4           |     1
 digest-20010320          | majordomo-1.94.4           |     1
 expat-1.95.1             | apache-2.0.15              |     3
 expat-1.95.1             | apache-2.0.16              |     3
 fastDNAml-1.2.1          | global-4.0.1               |     1
 fbm-1.2                  | idiff-1.0                  |     1
 geneweb-3.07             | textutils-2.0              |     1
 global-4.0.1             | fastDNAml-1.2.1            |     1
 host-991529              | bind-8.2.3                 |     1
 host-991529              | bind-               |     2
 host-991529              | bind-               |     2
 host-991529              | bind-9.1.1                 |     2
 host-991529              | bind-9.2.0s20010214        |     2
 hugelatex-1.0            | jadetex-2.20               |     1
 hugelatex-1.0            | teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1         |     1
 id-utils-3.2             | sh-utils-2.0               |     1
 idiff-1.0                | fbm-1.2                    |     1
 iodbc-2.50.3             | unixODBC-2.0.4             |     3
 ircII-20001231           | blackened-1.7.1            |     3
 ispell-3.1.20            | squsq-3.3                  |     1
 ispell-base-3.1.20nb1    | squsq-3.3                  |     1
 jadetex-2.20             | hugelatex-1.0              |     1
 jadetex-2.20             | teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1         |     1
 jpilot-libplugin-0.98.1  | jpilot-0.99                |     2
 kdelibdocs-1.1           | kdelibdocs_kdoc2-1.1       |   486
 kdelibdocs_kdoc2-1.1     | kdelibdocs-1.1             |   486
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | lukemftpd-1.0              |     3
 ldapsdk-12311998         | openh323-1.1beta3          |     1
 libdes-4.04b             | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 lmbench-2.11a            | coda-doc-           |     1
 lukemftp-1.5             | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 lukemftpd-1.0            | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     3
 lukemftpd-1.0            | wu-ftpd-2.6.1              |     2
 majordomo-1.94.4         | bounce-0.0                 |     2
 majordomo-1.94.4         | digest-20010308            |     1
 majordomo-1.94.4         | digest-20010312            |     1
 majordomo-1.94.4         | digest-20010319            |     1
 majordomo-1.94.4         | digest-20010320            |     1
 majordomo-1.94.4nb1      | bounce-0.0                 |     2
 mouse-pppoe-20000912nb1  | mouse_pppoe-20000912       |     1
 mouse_pppoe-20000912     | mouse-pppoe-20000912nb1    |     1
 mrtg-2.9.10              | p5-SNMP_Session-0.83       |     3
 netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb4   | netatalk-umich-19990130nb2 |    60
 nmh-1.0.4                | ja-mh6-3.03                |    78
 nocol-4.3.1nb1           | ucd-snmp-          |     2
 nocol-4.3.1nb1           | ucd-snmp-4.1.2             |     2
 openh323-1.1beta3        | ldapsdk-12311998           |     1
 openh323-1.1beta3        | openldap-1.2.11            |     1
 openldap-1.2.11          | openh323-1.1beta3          |     1
 openssh-2.5.1p2          | sftp-0.5                   |     2
 openssh-2.5.2p2          | sftp-0.5                   |     2
 p5-Digest-MD5-2.12       | p5-SHA-1.2                 |     2
 p5-SHA-1.2               | p5-Digest-MD5-2.12         |     2
 pgp5-5.0i                | pgraf-20010131             |     1
 pgraf-20010131           | pgp5-5.0i                  |     1
 postfix-20010228         | sendmail-8.8.8             |     3
 postfix-20010228-pl1     | postfix-19991231pl13       |    80
 postfix-20010228-pl1     | postfix-20010228           |   102
 postfix-20010228-pl1     | sendmail-8.8.8             |     3
 rpc2-1.5                 | coda-client-        |     1
 rpc2-1.5                 | coda-server-        |     1
 rpc2-1.5                 | coda-server-5.3.5          |     1
 rtfm-1.0                 | asr-manpages-20000406      |     1
 rvm-1.1                  | coda-server-        |     2
 rvm-1.1                  | coda-server-5.3.5          |     2
 scheme48-0.53            | scsh-0.5.2                 |     1
 scsh-0.5.2               | scheme48-0.53              |     1
 sendmail-8.8.8           | postfix-20010228           |     3
 sendmail-8.8.8           | postfix-20010228-pl1       |     3
 sftp-0.5                 | openssh-2.5.1p2            |     2
 sftp-0.5                 | openssh-2.5.2p2            |     2
 sh-utils-2.0             | id-utils-3.2               |     1
 socks4-2.2               | dante-1.1.4                |     3
 socks4-2.2               | dante-1.1.9                |     3
 squsq-3.3                | ispell-3.1.20              |     1
 squsq-3.3                | ispell-base-3.1.20nb1      |     1
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1       | hugelatex-1.0              |     1
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1       | jadetex-2.20               |     1
 textutils-2.0            | geneweb-3.07               |     1
 ucd-snmp-        | nocol-4.3.1nb1             |     2
 ucd-snmp-4.1.2           | nocol-4.3.1nb1             |     2
 umb-scheme-2.12          | vscm-0.4                   |     1
 unixODBC-2.0.4           | iodbc-2.50.3               |     3
 verilog-current-20010113 | verilog-0.4                |    20
 verilog-current-20010324 | verilog-0.4                |    20
 vscm-0.4                 | umb-scheme-2.12            |     1
 wu-ftpd-2.6.1            | lukemftpd-1.0              |     2
 zephyr-2.0.4             | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     2
(113 rows)
