, David Brownlee <abs@netbsd.org>
From: Alistair Crooks <AlistairCrooks@excite.com>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/20/2000 04:25:24
On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:59:43 +0100 (MET), Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, David Brownlee wrote:
> > Would it be worth updating the required version of pkg_install
> > in pkgsrc?
> Definitely not.
> - Hubert
> --
> Hubert Feyrer <hubert@feyrer.de>
Actually, I think it would be a good idea. Definitely. If it fixes a known
bug, then it should be updated.
The current value of PKGTOOLS_REQD would seem to be 20000202.
Bumping it now would give us support for IPv6 (albeit through Luke's ftp
client), and include a buffer overflow bug fix, as well as the timeout fixes
which seem to have been made to the pkg_install package today.
I can see no reason to keep the required version down level.
I'll look into doing it later on today.
Alistair Crooks (agc@pkgsrc.org)
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