Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.5 and imap-uw / rpm
To: User Noud <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/04/2000 09:37:52
>> No. The problem here is that the binary was linked with the wrong options.
>> Did you compile imap from pkgsrc ? 
>yes. NetBSD-1.5/source/sets/pkgsrc.tgz
>NetBSD-current/tar_files/pkgsrc.tar.gz fixed my lib problems.
>i did have to patch, see below.
>thanx Manuel, thanx YubYub,

	is it the patch to devel/gettext?  if so, it does not look correct
	to me...  devel/gettext should pull in devel/gettext-lib and they
	should work fine.

	if you care, please get the very latest pkgsrc directory via anoncvs.
