Subject: Re: keeping KDE v1 and v2 in parallel?
To: Nick Hudson <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/18/2000 20:16:52
On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Nick Hudson wrote:
> I'd like to update libtool and let a bulk build pick up any problems
> that I've not picked up.

If you want a fair comparison, you'll have to wait for the putput of at
least one pkgsrc-current build first, though. ;)

> > And just a data point, in fact I didn't mention it: I'm running
> > libtool-ml-20001116 here, and KDE seems to work
> You mean you didn't do anything to fix the c++ exception handling
> problem?

yes, er, no, er ... ``Yes, I didn't change anything - vanilla libtool-ml''

> > (more or less... t just
> > hung after being stable for a couple of hours, and after rebooting the
> > machine I don't have a pager or clock in the panel.
> I've never had a hang... Are you logging the output from startkde?

no. then again it's no wonder it hung after I tried to kill some processes
znd restart the panel manually (and failed, not knowing which command gets
it up ;)

 - Hubert

Hubert Feyrer <>