Subject: Re: pstoedit pkg
To: ITOH Yasufumi <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/17/2000 03:34:07
On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, ITOH Yasufumi wrote:
>  1. pstoedit requires C++ library of GNU plotutils.  We already have
>     plotutils pkg (graphics/plotutils) but it doesn't have C++ support.
>     Is it OK to enable the C++ support (--enable-libplotter)?
>     The problem is that the C++ library makes the pkg much larger....

I'd say "yes". It's part of plotutils, after all.

>  2. pstoedit has following description in the document:
>       If you include this program on a CDROM, please send me a copy of the CD,
>       or if it goes with a book, of the book.
>     Should I mark it as "NO_CDROM"?

Yes - better be on the safe side.

  - Hubert

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