Subject: Re: strict (developer) checks when compiling pkgs
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/30/2000 11:12:06
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Hubert Feyrer wrote:

> i've committed a "check-shlibs" target tonight, but it's not used anywhere
> right now. To play with it, type "make install" in a pkg, then "make
> check-shlibs". This will run ldd on all binaries and libs and list the
> ones that won't find their libs at runtime.
> I'd like to enable this by default, but it's a very strickt check, making
> some things like xforms on i386 to never compile (i've already notified
> Zhao). 
	Maybe enable by default and have a per package variable set to
	bypass it?

> What i have in mind is a PKG_DEVELOPER variable that one can set to 1 in
> /etc/mk.conf, and that does

	Is there any reason we cannot have this by default now?

>  * run check-shlibs at the end of "root-install"
>  * maybe some other things - let me know!

				       -- No hype required --