Subject: Re: Changes to the NetBSD Packages Collection in May 2000
To: Alistair G. Crooks <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/27/2000 20:23:45
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 07:06:07AM -0700, Alistair G. Crooks wrote:
> Changes to the NetBSD Packages Collection in May 2000
> =====================================================
> "oneko -bsd_daemon -bg red" *rox* :)
Cool. I didn't have this package installed yet. However, I
do have many other packages installed but when I built them I didn't
make a package (or have since deleted it) so I have nothing to copy
to my other (recently crashed :( ) machine. I tried just plain
"make package" but that does an actual "make install" first which fails.
I tried setting DESTDIR, but, even after figuring out that I have to
also set PKGTOOLS_VERSION and fix a few other bugs, that creates a package
that wants to install into the DESTDIR supplied at build time. I'm guessing
no one has tried building with DESTDIR so maybe it's the wrong way to
try to do this.
So how do I create a package without having to remove the
package I already have installed?