Subject: Re: the man who said "make update sucks!"
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/28/2000 19:23:34
On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Martin Husemann wrote:
> I'm still fighting my "update all installed pkgs/update all pkgs that need
> an update" script. It's a hard fight and I've little spare time to invest
> here. I'll report any errors as soon as I understand what happens. Some
> pieces of the puzzle start to fit but where hidden by the underlying magic
> when I first encountered them ("Resuming update for..." after a
> "make clean && make update" is - uhmm - unexpected).
Seconding the Subject: line, all I can advise you to do is to nuke all
pkgs (that what we have pkg_delete's -r and -R switches), and reinstall
everything from scratch. It's a bit slow, but can be sped up with bionary
pkgs. And it works.
- Hubert
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