Subject: Re: ssh [was: Re: CVS commit: basesrc]
To: None <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/16/2000 00:45:47
Hubert Feyrer writes:
> On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Luke Mewburn wrote:
> > I have no objections to someone doing it using the (now dead) sshd file :-)
> >
> > I intend to populate /usr/share/examples/rc.d/ with different type of
> > files as well.
> I think what would help us right now is if you'd rework the packages that
> come with rc.d files to fit in the new scheme. Providing standalone
> examples is nice, but don't really move us forward.
I don't exactly have the time to search through the hundreds (?)
thousands (?) of packages looking for which ones have rc scripts.
Maybe if someone provided a list I could work with them on writing
`new world order rc.d' scripts for the packages...