Subject: Doing a pkg install from live source
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/21/2000 14:05:30
Right now the package system is set up to download a pre-made tar file,
make, and install it.

I'm working on pkg'izing the userland source for an in-house project here,
and we'll end up with like 10 packages. A fair number of them will be
libraries used by other packages.

Changing the source tree to look for includes in ${PREFIX} is no big deal.

My concern is that we are still developing this code. It would be best if
the environment for development were the same as that when installed from
pkgsrc. Includes should go in /usr/pkg/include, libs in /usr/pkg/lib,
etc., and (here's the big part) I think it would be best if installed bits
got registered, just like packages would.

How much trouble would this be?

Take care,
