Subject: Re: package interuptus
To: gkrall <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/14/2000 21:25:27
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> On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, gkrall wrote:
> How about loading the dependent packages from the bottom of the
> dependancy tree first? That way if the pkg_add command fails in the
> middle (from modem droppage) you would only loose on the dependent pkg
> currently being installed and not any dependent pkg further upstream
> from the final (initial) package request.
> In other words I want to load pkg A. A depends on B&X, B depends on
> C&D. So install/Register C&D first; Then B&X; then finally A. And if
> it fails on B I don't have to waste bandwidth on C&D again.....unless of
> course that would introduce an Nth-order Fibernacci level of complexity.
> A+---B+---C
> | |
> | +---D
> +---X
> Then of course I s'pose i could just get a cable modem, stop whining and
> I wouldn't run into droppage any more.
The problem is you do not know the depends for a package until
you have downloaded and extracted it.
The generic 'fetch binary packages to local PACKAGES directory'
option probably makes the most sense.
> PS. I think(hope) I fixed my mime problem. sorry if I didn't.
I'm afraid not :)
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How about loading the dependent packages from the bottom of the=0D
dependancy tree first? That way if the pkg_add command fails in the=0D
middle (from modem droppage) you would only loose on the dependent pkg=0D
currently being installed and not any dependent pkg further upstream=0D
from the final (initial) package request.=0D
In other words I want to load pkg A. A depends on B&X, B depends on=0D
C&D. So install/Register C&D first; Then B&X; then finally A. And if=0D
it fails on B I don't have to waste bandwidth on C&D again.....unless of=0D
course that would introduce an Nth-order Fibernacci level of complexity.=0D
| |=0D
| +---D=0D
Then of course I s'pose i could just get a cable modem, stop whining and=0D
I wouldn't run into droppage any more.=0D
PS. I think(hope) I fixed my mime problem. sorry if I didn't.=0D
Hubert Feyrer wrote:=0D
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, gkrall wrote:=0D
> > I've noticed that if I start a pkg_add command and that pkg depends on=
> > other pkgs, and if the modem drops line some where on the 2nd or 3rd=0D
> > dependent 5meg pkg I loose & have to start over. Is there a way to=0D
> > resume a stalled pkg_add command so that time/bandwidth isn't wasted?=
> Nope, sorry.=0D
> > I've successfully reget an ftp item before and wondered if there was an=
> > analog in the package system? Since pkg_add uses anon ftp could this=
> > functionallity be added by tracking whats been DL'ed (and what the temp=
> > file name is) and issuing a reget type command in the pkg that didn't=
> > complete?=0D
> No, because we pipe the downloaded package immediately into a "tar vxf -"=
> to not waste the diskspace for holding the pkg twice.=0D
> - Hubert=0D
> --=0D
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